If you need assistance with Canvas tools, please visit Teaching and Scholarly Learning's Remote Teaching Resources course for written documentation and/or visit our Training Center to find recorded trainings, sign up for live workshops, or request a one-on-one consultation.
Each month Learning Environments provides a newsletter containing pertinent information about Canvas, Kaltura, Zoom, Accessibility, and training. To receive this letter, go to LE-News and click “Join Group” or send an email request to Teaching@rice.edu.

Canvas is Rice's Learning Management System for all course-related curriculum needs. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Learning Environments, Teaching@rice.edu. If you are experiencing issues, please check the CANVAS STATUS PAGE.
Instructor Resources
- Training Center
- Canvas New Course Request Form
- Adding External Tools to Canvas
- Access Canvas on Mobile Device: When logging into the mobile app, put "rice.instructure.com" in the "Enter your canvas URL" field.
- Supported Browsers
- Canvas Status Page
- Course Specific Mailing Lists: Teaching and Scholarly Learning can create course specific mailing lists for each course section upon request. Please email Teaching@rice.edu.
Student Resources
- Quickstart Guide
- Access Canvas on Mobile Device
When logging into the mobile app, put "rice.instructure.com" in the "Enter your canvas URL" field. - Supported Browsers
New Features in Canvas
- The Digital Teaching and Learning Blog Details Upcoming Features
- A number of additional features are available for use in your courses. You can opt-in to these features at any time under your course settings.
- Each month Learning Environments provides a newsletter containing pertinent information about Canvas, Kaltura, Zoom, Accessibility, and training. To receive this letter, go to LE-News and click “Join Group” or send an email request to Teaching@rice.edu.